Teem is a software framework that allows for easy creation and execution of evolutionary robotics experiments.
It can be combined with a variety of libraries and programs to form a powerful platform for anything, from evolution of simple Braitenberg behaviour to complex steady state evolutionary experiments involving groups of robots.
Teem is free software, published under the GNU General Public License with the restriction of credit to authors mentioned below and in the documentation.
Teem provides several modules that can be used alone or linked together.
Neural networks topologies
Neurons types
Sample experiments
Teem depends on the following libraries, which are also available on this site:
Figure 1 shows the interaction diagram between Teem and those libraries.
Figure 1: Teem interaction diagram with the libraries it depends on.
Teem is free software released under the GNU General Public License with the only restriction that any publications presenting results obtained with Teem must mention it and its authors.
Last update: Stephane Magnenat, 8/8/2005