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Ishtar Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

Ishtar is the namespace of the Ishtar class library.


struct  ValueVector
 A vector of scalar values. More...
struct  TypeSerializer
 Helper class to cast to type T. More...
struct  TypeSerializer< double >
 Helper class to cast to type double, required because plateform specific representation of double can weired. More...
struct  TypeResolver
 A static struct templatized on a scalar variable T. It has a single member type, whose value is a ValueVector::Type constant corresponding to T. ST is the type used for serialisation. More...
struct  TypeResolver< Int32 >
 A static struct templatized on a Int32. It has a single member type, whose value is the ValueVector::Type constant corresponding to Int32. More...
struct  TypeResolver< UInt32 >
 A static struct templatized on a UInt32. It has a single member type, whose value is the ValueVector::Type constant corresponding to UInt32. More...
struct  TypeResolver< Int16 >
 A static struct templatized on a Int16. It has a single member type, whose value is the ValueVector::Type constant corresponding to Int16. More...
struct  TypeResolver< UInt16 >
 A static struct templatized on a UInt16. It has a single member type, whose value is the ValueVector::Type constant corresponding to UInt16. More...
struct  TypeResolver< Int8 >
 A static struct templatized on a Int8. It has a single member type, whose value is the ValueVector::Type constant corresponding to Int8. More...
struct  TypeResolver< UInt8 >
 A static struct templatized on a UInt8. It has a single member type, whose value is the ValueVector::Type constant corresponding to Int8. More...
struct  TypeResolver< float >
 A static struct templatized on a float. It has a single member type, whose value is the ValueVector::Type constant corresponding to float. More...
struct  TypeResolver< double >
 A static struct templatized on a double. It has a single member type, whose value is the ValueVector::Type constant corresponding to double. More...
struct  TypeResolver< bool >
 A static struct templatized on a bool with as serialized value of Uint8. It has a single member type, whose value is the ValueVector::Type constant corresponding to bool. More...
struct  ValueVectorTemplate
 The template implementation of ValueVector. More...
struct  CharValueVector
 A ValueVectorTemplate<UInt8> that has nice methods to typecast to and from strings. More...
class  ServiceDescription
 A full description of a Service. More...
class  Service
 A service interface, can be read with getValues or written with setValues if (description.flags & READ_ONLY) == 0. User should subclass Service, fill description in the constructor and implement getValues and setValues. More...
class  ServicesContainer
 Contains all the service a server provides. More...
class  ServicesServer
 ServicesServer is both a container for services and a TCP/IP server to allow network access to these services. More...
class  Answer
 An interface for answers from server. More...
class  Call
 An interface for calls to server. More...
class  HelloCall
 Say hello at connection. More...
class  ErrorAnswer
 Return an error to caller. More...
class  GetServicesCall
 Request a list of all available services. More...
class  ServiceAnswer
 Return the description of all available services. More...
class  GetValuesCall
 Request the values of several services. More...
class  ValuesAnswer
 Return the values of several services. More...
class  SetValuesCall
 Set the values of several services. More...


typedef ValueVectorTemplate<
Int32 > 
 For conveniance.
typedef ValueVectorTemplate<
float > 
 For conveniance.


 Ishtar services protocol version, only programs with the same protocol version can communication together.

Generated on Mon Oct 24 17:31:22 2005 for libishtarservices by  doxygen 1.4.2