

Thymio II ✦ 2011–present

Thymio II is an educational robot created by Mobots, ECAL and Mobsya. It runs the Aseba control architecture.

I have developed Aseba and am using it with Thymio to introduce children to programming.


marxbot ✦ 2007–present

The marxbot is a modular all-terrain research robot.

I have developed the Aseba control architecture that powers the marxbot and I am running experiments using it.


handbot ✦ 2008–2011

The handbot is an experimental robot capable of simultaneous climbing and manipulation.

I have developed the Aseba control architecture that powers the handbot.


S-bot and Swarmbot ✦ 2003–2004

The S-bot is a highly integrated autonomous mobile robot created by the Swarmbot European project. S-bots can connect together to form a higher-level structure called Swarmbot. I ported Linux from Armonie to the S-bot and created the system API.

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